Language: German
The best content combined in one package: Top series with countless premieres, complete seasons and new releases, conveniently available for streaming. Or an extensive documentary program waiting to be discovered. Great animation and cartoon masterpieces for children, cool comedy formats and thrilling crime stories. Plus, lifestyle stories, music entertainment and sports programs.
You don’t have to be a Swisscom customer to use the blue Entertainment packages. Click on «Order now», set up your login, order your package and take out the free TV Air Free package. Then download the blue TV app and get started.
You can download the blue TV app from the Apple App Store or Google Play. The blue TV app can be used with any blue TV subscription – including blue TV Air and blue TV Air free. In addition, the blue Sport app is available on all of the major TV providers’ TV Boxes. With Swisscom blue TV, blue Sport is fully integrated in the Swisscom Box (not as an app).
*Offer applies to all new blue Premium customers. The package is free of charge for 30 days from the activation date. After that, the regular price (19.90/month) will be charged. Minimum contract duration is 6 months, notice period 1 month.